Subscriptions in turkey and Utility Abonnements 

Subscriptions in turkey and Utility Abonnements 

HAUSBIZ provides all the after-sales services for our clients who bought property through us  after buying process. These services are provided solely to our customers. After purchasing the property, you get the title deed. Thereafter, we will assist you in getting facilities and Subscriptions in turkey such as electricity, gas, internet, and water. We will also guide you in the best possible way about how to pay the family bills. The process needs you to hand over the Power of Attorney to our agent so that we can get all the things done on your behalf.

DASK (Turkish Natural Catastrophe Insurance Pool)

DASK is a mandatory insurance policy against earthquakes. This policy is backed by the government and it remains valid for one year. The policy needed to be renewed each year before its expiry.
The DASK insurance policy is essential for getting subscriptions for facilities including electricity, gas, and water. The policy can be obtained from the local insurance agent or any bank. The insurance premium is determined on the basis of the size of the property. In general, the premium ranges between 100 TL and 150 TL.

Following are the needed data and documents for obtaining the DASK policy – 

  1. The personal Tax Identification number
  2. A Turkey-based phone number
  3. The full address of the property
  4. Building year of the property
  5. Floor details of the property
  6. Full name of the owner

After getting the policy done, you can apply for the subscription of facilities including electricity, gas, and water.

Electricity Subscription

Electricity supply is controlled by private entities in Turkey. At first, you need to apply for a subscription at the customer service department of the company. Thereafter, you need to pay the required fees to complete the deed. The average fee ranges between 250 TL and 500 TL.

Following are the needed data and documents for Electricity Subscription –

  1. Copy of DASK policy
  2. Copy of the Title Deed
  3. Occupancy permit
  4. Tax Identification number
  5. Passport, both copy and the original
  6. The phone number that is valid in Turkey

If all the documents are in order, you can gain access to the electricity supply in 2 days.

Water Subscription

The local municipalities are in charge of water supply. The average abonnement fee for gaining access to the water supply is 600-700 TL.
Following are the needed data and documents for Water Subscription –

  1. Copy of DASK policy
  2. Copy of the Title Deed
  3. Occupancy permit
  4. Passport, both copy and the original
  5. The phone number that is valid in Turkey

If all the documents are in order, you can gain access to water supply in 3 days.

Internet Subscription

The internet subscription service is controlled by private entities in Turkey, which are Superonline and Turk Telecom. These companies can provide you the internet service within 3 days of application.

Following are the needed data and documents for Internet Subscription –

  1. The full address of the property owner in Turkey
  2. Copy of the Title Deed
  3. The phone number that is valid in Turkey

Post application, you will receive a text message in his/her phone that provides a user number. You can pay the necessary fees to the respective bank or internet company office using that user number. The internet subscription fee varies from company to company.

Natural Gas Subscription

The natural gas supply is controlled by private entities in Turkey. You need to personally apply to the respective companies' customer service department for availing the service with all the necessary documents. After obtaining all the documents, the natural gas supply company evaluate your property and approve the installation process. Post-approval, you can complete the agreement by paying the subscription fee that ranges between 200 and 600 TL.

Following are the needed data and documents for Natural Gas Subscription –

  1. Copy of DASK policy
  2. Tax Identification number
  3. Occupancy permit
  4. Passport, both copy and the original
  5. The phone number that is valid in Turkey

It is to be noted that if the passport is not available in Latin letters, you may be asked to get a translated version of the same, approved by the notary.


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