Complete Guide To Public Transportation In Turkey

Complete Guide To Public Transportation In Turkey

public transportation in Turkey

Public transportation is one of the best and most effective ways of moving in cities. Turkey, as a country with a large population, along with many immigrants and tourists, has an advanced and efficient transportation network. With the increase in population and urban density, public transportation in Turkey has been considered as one of the most important issues. In this article, we will review and guide about public transportation in Turkey. Stay with us to get to know different public transports and tips related to them in Turkey.

Public transport in Turkey

Like many cities in the world, public transportation in Turkey has grown and progressed significantly in recent years and can easily meet people's need for intra-city and inter-city transportation. There are different types of public transportation in Turkey that you can choose the best one for your trip based on your needs, type of destination, budget and other things.

By buy property in Turkey, especially buy property in Istanbul or obtaining Turkish citizenship by investment, transportation in Turkey will be one of your concerns. In addition to buying a car, you can also use public transportation in Turkey. In the following, you will learn about public transportation in Turkey.

1-Train: Train is one of the most popular means of public transportation in Turkey. The train system in Turkey is very advanced and there is a complete network of train lines throughout the country. You can easily travel from one city to another in Turkey with city trains, intercity trains and even high-speed trains (ICR).

2-Bus: Bus is another widely used public transportation in Turkey. Municipalities throughout the country operate city bus lines and you can reach your destination using these lines. Also, for intercity travel, VIP buses and even international buses are also available. For shorter routes, minibuses and dolmoshs are also operating.

3-Metro: Metro is another popular means of public transportation in Turkey. Big cities like Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir have advanced metro system. Metros make you reach different parts of the city easily and quickly. Also, subways have many users during peak hours and avoid heavy traffic on the streets.

4-Taxi: Using a taxi is also a common option in public transportation in Turkey. Taxis are available throughout the cities and towns and you can reach your destination by taking a taxi. But before getting on, it is better to negotiate the price or use the taxi meter to pay the correct price. Taxi prices in crowded cities like Istanbul are relatively high, and some drivers charge more. So be aware of the route and payment amount.

5-Online taxi: In Turkey, online taxi services such as "Uber" and "BiTaksi" are also available. By using the applications of these services, you can easily request a taxi and get on at the origin and reach your destination. These services allow you to see the price before the trip and make the payment through the application.

6-Boat: In some cities, such as Istanbul, there are also public boats for transportation along the rivers and straits. Also, these boats can take you to the beautiful islands in Turkish waters or go around the sea itself for fun. This method of transportation can be an interesting and beautiful experience in your trip to Turkey and allows you to experience a different view of the city.

Important points of public transport in Turkey

Using public transportation in Turkey will be a great experience for you. Whether you live in this country or have traveled to Turkey, public transportation in Turkey will always help you. With extensive and planned lines to access all urban areas, wherever you are, you can easily go to other areas and explore the whole city. In the following, we will discuss some important points for using the public transportation system in Turkey.

  • Before using public transport in Turkey, it is better to know about the maps, lines and timetables. Usually, information like these can be accessed on relevant websites and applications.
  • Some public transportation in Turkey can be very crowded during peak hours, so it is better to plan your travel time carefully.
  • Some public transportation in major cities of Turkey use the smart card system to pay. Therefore, it is better to get a smart card and use it while traveling. For example, in the city of Istanbul, you can easily use all kinds of buses and subways by getting an Istanbul card.


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Advantages of using public transport in Turkey

Using public transportation in Turkey will have many advantages for you compared to using a private car. Even though you may get stuck in traffic with these devices, or at certain times the crowded subway and bus will bother you, but in general, the advantages of using public transportation in Turkey are more than its disadvantages. In the following, you will get to know some of these benefits.

  • Cost savings: Using public transportation in Turkey is cheaper than using a private car. In Turkey, the price of public transport tickets is lower than the cost of fuel, parking and car maintenance. This can help reduce your travel expenses.
  • Convenience: Public transportation in Turkey has a wide network that includes trains, buses, subways, and taxis. These means of transportation allow you to reach your destination easily and quickly by providing fast and reliable solutions. Also, you will no longer have to worry about car parking and its security.
  • Reducing traffic: Turkey is one of the countries where big cities like Istanbul and Ankara are located, and urban traffic is a major problem. By using public transportation, you can avoid the heavy traffic of cars and reach your destination without stress or interruption.
  • Environmental protection: Using public transportation in Turkey instead of a private vehicle helps to reduce air pollution and preserve the environment. By using trains, buses and subways instead of private cars, the amount of greenhouse gas emissions is reduced and helps to preserve the environment.

Considering the above advantages, using public transportation in Turkey can be a great option for your travels. Of course, in any case, before traveling, you should have comprehensive information about departure times, lines and desired destinations through relevant sites and applications so that you can experience a comfortable and trouble-free trip.

Last word

In general, public transportation in Turkey is one of the best and most effective methods of transportation in cities. By using trains, buses, subways, taxis and online taxi services, you can travel easily and economically in Turkey and reach your destination. To make better use of these means of transportation, collect complete information about them and have a detailed plan for your trip.

Frequently Asked Questions

1-What types of public transportation are there in Turkey?

In Turkey, the public transportation network includes trains, buses, subways, taxis, online taxi services such as Uber and BiTaksi, and boats. These means of transportation operate in big cities like Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, etc.

2-Is public transportation cheap in Turkey?

Yes, using public transport in Turkey is usually cheaper than using a private vehicle. The price of public transport tickets is lower than the cost of fuel, parking and car maintenance. This advantage can help reduce your travel expenses.

3-Is public transportation reliable in Turkey?

Yes, public transportation in Turkey is generally reliable. These devices are continuously monitored by the government so that there are no problems for the citizens. You can easily ride the metro and bus in Turkish cities or take a taxi if needed.

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