The Cost Of Living In Turkey In 2023, How To Reduce Costs?

The Cost Of Living In Turkey In 2023, How To Reduce Costs?

cost of living in Turkey

The cost of living in any country plays an important role in people's decision to immigrate or travel to that country. One of the countries that has become very attractive for immigration and travel in recent years is Turkey. With its diverse culture, rich history, strong economic potential and stunning natural beauty, Turkey has become a popular destination for expats and tourists. In this article, we will examine the cost of living in Turkey and various factors that affect this cost.

Costs of living in Turkey

Whatever country you are in, living in that country will have its own costs. The rate of inflation and the economic situation of each country affects the amount of these costs. Turkey is also one of the countries that has attracted many immigrants in recent years, and most of these people want to know the monthly cost of living in Turkey before immigrating.

One of the ways to immigrate to this country is buy property in Turkey and obtaining Turkish citizenship by investment. Buy property in Istanbul can be one of your best choices for immigrating to this country. However, many people also rent the house instead of buying, which will also have its own costs. In the following, we will get to know some of the most important expenses that a normal life needs.

Buy or rent a house

One of the most important parts of the cost of living in Turkey is the cost of renting or buying a house. In Turkey, the cost of renting or buying a house depends on the location, size and features of the property. You can choose two or three-story houses in different neighborhoods or go for villas or multi-story towers. The minimum housing rent in 2023 is around 3000 lira and above.


The costs of food are also a significant part of the cost of living in Turkey. In Turkey, the cost of buying food, as well as the cost of eating in restaurants and cafes, depends on the region and the type of restaurant. In recent years, Turkey has experienced inflation and food prices have grown significantly. Based on the number of people in the family, this cost will be completely variable.


Transportation costs are also an important factor in the cost of living in Turkey. The cost of taxi fares in this country, especially in cities like Istanbul, is usually high, and it seems more reasonable to use public transportation such as buses and subways. Also, if you buy a car, the cost of gasoline may be a bit expensive.

Education and training

If you have immigrated to Turkey to study or have a child who is of school age, you should also consider the cost of education as part of the cost of living in Turkey. Turkish schools operate in both private and public ways, and universities can also be public or private, the costs of each of which will be different according to the desired field.

Health Cares

The cost of healthcare should always be considered as part of the cost of living in Turkey. This fee will include monthly check-ups and doctor and dentist fees, as well as medicine fees if needed.

Entertainment and shopping

This part of the cost of living in Turkey largely depends on your lifestyle and personality. Recreations in Turkey are very diverse and wide, and what kind of recreation you enjoy will affect the amount of expenses. Also, buying clothes and other necessary accessories is one of the expenses that largely depends on you.

Taxes and legal fees

When you enter Turkey for the first time as an immigrant and intend to get a residence, you will face various legal costs. These costs include obtaining a residence card, the cost of registering an address, obtaining a SIM card, and many other things. Taxes will also be considered for buying a house or a car.

Is Turkey among the most expensive countries in the world?

No, Turkey is not one of the most expensive countries in the world. Considering the economic conditions and inflation in this country, the cost of living in Turkey is neither too low nor too high. Of course, the cost of living in Turkey may be higher in some areas and cities, such as Istanbul and Antalya. But in general, compared to European or North American countries, the cost of living in Turkey is lower.

Of course, the cost of living depends on various factors such as the place of residence, lifestyle, type of housing and income level of the person. Therefore, some people may feel the cost of living more expensive or cheaper according to their circumstances.


By following HausBiz's Instagram, be aware of the latest news of buying property and obtaining residence in Turkey.

Factors affecting the cost of living in Turkey for each person

As mentioned, the cost of living in Turkey is not the same for everyone and depends on various factors. Therefore, a specific monthly amount cannot be considered for these expenses, and you must calculate the necessary expenses based on your lifestyle. In the following, we will examine some factors affecting the cost of living in Turkey.

  • Location: The cost of living in different cities and regions of Turkey may be different. For example, in big cities like Istanbul and Antalya, the costs of housing, transportation and public services are usually higher.
  • Housing: The type of housing you rent or buy in Turkey can have a great impact on the cost of living in Turkey. The prices of renting and buying property are different in different regions of Turkey and are usually higher in populated cities.
  • Lifestyle: Your lifestyle plays an important role in your daily expenses. Costs related to food, restaurants, entertainment, shopping for clothes and other recreational activities may vary. If your lifestyle includes expensive purchases, eating at high-quality restaurants, and frequent trips, your expenses will be higher.
  • Daily needs: Costs related to daily needs such as food, clothing, personal items, hygiene products and fuel may vary in Turkey. Also, the price of gasoline and public transportation are added to the daily expenses.
  • Health and medical services: the costs related to health and medical services also affect the cost of living. Health insurance, medicines, doctor's visits and hospitalization costs may be different based on each person's illness.

Finally, the cost of living in Turkey depends on individual factors and personal circumstances. To accurately estimate the cost of living, it is better to have more information about your needs and preferences in Turkey and plan according to them.

How to reduce the cost of living in Turkey?

If you have immigrated to Turkey and the cost of living in Turkey is high for you and you cannot cover the costs with your current income, then we will introduce you some solutions through which you may be able to reduce the cost of living in Turkey.

  • Housing: If you intend to rent or buy housing, keep in mind that the costs are usually lower in less populated areas and far from urban centers. Also, keep in mind to measure the size of the housing with your real needs and avoid bigger and more expensive houses.
  • Daily shopping: To buy food and other daily goods, go to local markets and cheap stores. Choosing local brands and reducing the use of imported products can help save costs.
  • Transportation: Use public transportation instead of taxis or rental cars. Public transportation in Turkey often has lower costs and can bring you big savings.
  • Recreation and travel: instead of expensive trips and costly recreation, visit local areas and out-of-town tourism. By checking the cheap options and using various discounts and offers, you can reduce the cost of your travel and entertainment.
  • Health and medical services: getting proper health insurance and using government health and medical services can reduce treatment costs. Also, using cheaper drugs with doctor's advice about replacing expensive drugs can help you.
  • Budget forecasting: Maintain accurate financial planning and budget forecasting. By checking and managing your income and expenses intelligently, you can control your living expenses and start saving.

Finally, by carefully examining your needs and looking for cheaper options and comparing prices, you can find other ways to reduce the cost of living in Turkey. Also, you can get to know the locals better and take advantage of their experiences and tips to save money.

Last word

In this article, we examined the cost of living in Turkey and examined various factors that affect this cost. The cost of housing rent, cost of food, cost of transportation, cost of education, cost of health care, cost of recreation and tax and legal costs were among the factors that were investigated. Ways to reduce costs were also presented. We hope that this article has helped you better understand the cost of living in Turkey and that you can make better decisions about traveling or immigrating to this country.

Frequently Asked Questions

1-How much does housing cost in Turkey?

The cost of housing in Turkey varies based on the size and location of the house. In big cities like Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir, housing costs are higher. For a one-bedroom apartment in the center of Istanbul, the monthly rent is about 1500-2000 US dollars. However, in less populated areas and far from urban centers, the costs are more acceptable.

2-How is the cost of living in Turkey compared to other countries?

Compared to some European and American countries, the cost of living in Turkey is relatively lower. However, the costs are variable and depend on the city and your lifestyle. In general, living in Turkey's big cities like Istanbul is more expensive, while costs are lower in smaller cities and rural areas.

3-How to reduce the cost of living in Turkey?

To reduce the cost of living in Turkey, you can use the following methods:

  • Choosing housing in sparsely populated areas and away from urban centers.
  • Buying food and daily goods from local markets and cheap stores.
  • Use public transportation instead of taxis or car rentals.
  • Choosing cheaper travel and entertainment options and reducing costs related to them.
  • Getting proper health insurance and using government health services.
  • Detailed financial planning and intelligent management of income and expenses.

By using these methods and carefully examining your personal needs, you can reduce your living expenses in Turkey.

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