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Dominica Citizenship By Investment

Get your second citizenship to visa-free travel to more than 143 countries

Visa Free Countries


Countries and Territories

Min Investment


Donation to the Government

Min Investment


on Real estate

Time to Citizenship

4 Months

Maximum time is 3- months
Immediate access to more than 120 visa-free countries, including the Schengen area and Europe, England, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, and Turkey


Islands between the Caribbean Sea and North Atlantic Ocean




English (official), French Patois


East Caribbean dollars (XCD), Tied to USD

Government Type

Parliamentary democracy

Total Area/ Population

751 KM2 / 71,946

Visa Free Countries

More than 143 countries

Nearest Countries

Puerto Rico, St. Kitts and Nevis

Dominica citizenship by investment History

Dominica's Citizenship by Investment program, which introduced in 1993, has made this program one of the longest-running economic citizenship programs in the world. The Citizenship by Investment Unit (CBIU) is a government authority that handles all matters relating to citizenship by investment in the Commonwealth of Dominica. The citizenship program through investment is regulated in the published regulations based on Article 101 of the Constitution and Articles 8 and 20 (1) of the Citizenship Law.

Your Dominica citizenship is for life and will not be repealed if Dominica authorities or government policy changes. This is a sample link

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Requirements to Obtain Dominica Citizenship

In contrast to all the mentioned benefits provided by this country, the applicant must also meet certain conditions to receive this citizenship and passport and bring his family with him. These conditions include:

  1. No criminal record
  2. At least 18 years old
  3. Having perfect health
  4. Minimum knowledge of English
  5. Investing the prescribed capital at the disposal of the Government of Dominica

Benefits of Obtaining Dominica Citizenship

Obtaining citizenship of this country through investment has many benefits that you will learn about later. These benefits include:

  • Obtaining irrevocable citizenship and passport

  • Immediate access to 120+ countries, including the Schengen area and Europe, England, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, and Turkey

  • including dependent parents/grandmothers and grandfathers over 55 years old

  • No wealth, gift, inheritance, foreign income, or capital gains taxes

  • No need for a physical residence

  • Including dependent children up to 30 years old

  • No minimum education required

  • No management experience required

  • No tax for non-residents

  • Recognition of dual citizenship

  • Tax Optimization


    The applicant for citizenship through investment in Dominica can also bring family members with them. Their wife and children can work and study in this country and travel freely to many countries. People who can accompany the investor as a family include the following:

    • Spouse of the main applicant

    • Children under 18 years of age of the main applicant or their spouse 

    • The child of the main applicant or his/her spouse between 18 and 30 years of age who attends a recognized higher education institution full-time after their eighteenth birthday and is fully supported by the main applicant. 

    • The unmarried daughter of the main applicant who is up to 30 years old and lives with the main applicant and is fully supported by him. 
    • The child of the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant who is over 18 years old and has physical or mental problems and is under the full support of the main applicant. 

    • Parents or grandparents of the main applicant or their spouse who are over 55 years old and are fully supported by the main applicant. 

    • If a parent or grandparent is 55 years old, but their spouse is less than 55 years old, both the parent or grandparent and the spouse of that parent or grandparent will be eligible dependents. 

    • "Child" means the biological or legal child of the main applicant or spouse of the main applicant.

    Investment Options in Dominica

    There are two options for obtaining citizenship through investment in Dominica. Through both of these options, you can provide citizenship and a passport for yourself and your family. Investment methods include the following:

    Government Contribution

    Donation to the Economic Diversification Fund (EDF) of at least 100,000 USD for one applicant, and depending on the number of dependents, the application amount will increase. If the applicant applies for citizenship alone, they must invest $100,000. For families seeking second citizenship, the amounts required are listed below.

      Amount of Investment
    Main applicant 100,000 USD
    Main Applicant and Spouse 175,000 USD
    Main applicant, spouse and 2 children up to 18 200,000 USD
    Each Additional Dependent 25,000 USD

    If the applicant is rejected, the donation amount subtraction of the application fee will be returned. sample link
    The granting of citizenship is at the sole discretion of the Government of Dominica.
    Most applicants are rejected when due diligence shows false information or the applicant has a criminal record.

    Investing in Real Estate

    To qualify for Dominica citizenship under the real estate investment option, an applicant must purchase an Authorized real estate with a minimum value of $200,000. The following government fees apply to the main applicant and any dependents:

      On Property
    Minimum Investment 200,000 USD

    Government fees (for real estate applications only)

    Main applicant25,000 USD
    Main Applicant and Spouse35,000 USD
    Family of four35,000 USD
    Family of six50,000 USD


    • 25,000 USD per dependent
    • 35,000 USD for a family of up to four people, including the main applicant and up to three dependents
    • 50,000 USD for a family of up to six people including the main applicant and up to five dependents


    To be eligible for citizenship, you must maintain your property for 3 years from the date of citizenship 

    In addition, only after 5 years of obtaining citizenship, you can sell that property under the citizenship program through reinvestment

    Steps to obtain citizenship through investment

    In the first step, before the applicant invests, our team checks a copy of the person's passport, before the government has issued the original approval, and provides the approval response within 24 to 48 hours. A down payment is required to open your application. In the next step, you must collect your documents and submit them to the government of Dominica. We will help you in this process.
    In the next step, your request will be submitted to the government along with the expert review report. Then the government makes its decision about granting citizenship and then you are invited to pay the fees. In the last step, the citizenship certificate and passport will be issued in your name and after that, you have to pay the remaining fees.


    Frequently Asked Questions About Dominica Citizenship by Investment

    How many years is the passport valid?
    All Dominica passports are valid for up to ten years. Passports for children under 16 years old are issued for 5 years. After passport expiry date you can extend your passport more. you can extend your Dominican passport lifetime.
    How to renew my Dominican passport?
    Expired or blank passports can be easily renewed by paying a fee at the Dominica immigration office or the consulate of this country. (There is no need for a person to visit this country or its consulates.)
    If I have sold my property, can I renew my passport?
    Yes, as long as you have the property to obtain citizenship, there will be no problem in renewing your passport
    Do I have to interview?
    There is currently no mandatory interview required for the Dominica Citizenship by Investment program, however an interview may be required at the discretion of the government.
    What is a police clearance certificate?
    A police clearance certificate is a document issued by a law enforcement agency to confirm the absence of a criminal record.
    Do I need to reside in Dominica to obtain citizenship?
    No. There is no requirement to live in Dominica before or after obtaining citizenship.
    Will I be taxed in Dominica?
    There is no wealth, gift, inheritance, foreign income or capital gains tax in Dominica. As a citizen, you will be liable to pay personal tax if you reside in Dominica.
    How long does the application take?
    It usually takes less than three months from application to approval.
    Is the application process confidential?
    The application process itself is confidential, unless due diligence is carried out by accredited agencies and international partners.
    How do I get to Dominica?
    International travelers from Europe and the United States arrive in Dominica through transit hubs in Antigua, Barbados, Saint Maarten, Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe, and Martinique. Dominica's chief and largest airport is Melville Hall (DOM), which handles commercial airlines and has a modern terminal. Canefield Airport (DCF) currently only offers courier services and private charters.