10 reasons for investors who are planning to start their Turkish Business through company formation, incorporation:

1Turkish Business: Prospered Economy
  • Turkish economy is considered as lucrative economy that great for Turkish Business, by increasing the GDP from 231 billion $ in 2002 to 831 billion $ which means Turkish GDP get more than 3 times (TurkStat)

  • Known as sustainable economic enlargement according to last decade of Turkish average yearly GDP growth of 5% (TurkStat)

  • Considered as the fastest progressing economy among the OECD country members since 2012 until 2017 by holding an average GDP (Gross Domestic Products) growth rate of 5.2% (OECD Economic Outlook No. 91)

  • Considered as a 15th enormous economy ( Turkish Business ) in the world while holding 6th economy amongst economies in the EU in 2014 (GDP at PPP, IMF WEO)

  • Considered as the 13th most interesting and charming for FDI purpose in 2012  Turkish economy is targeted by 123 billion USD of FDI since last decade (A.T. Kearney FDI Confidence Index)

  • A dynamic and mature private sector with 153 billion USD worth of exports and an increase of 325 percent between 2002 and 2012 (TurkStat)

2Turkish Business: Young Population
  • Establishment of Turkish Business means facing with 76 million of population or potential demand for your business (2012, TurkStat)

  • Comparing to European Union Turkey is considered as the biggest young population (Eurostat)

  • More than 50% of population in Turkey is under the age 30.1 (TurkStat)

  • Having youth, active, good level of education and civilized population

3Turkish Business: Eligible and Qualified Manpower
  • Including more than 27 million of high level of educated, fresh, active and motivated workforce experts which ready for Turkish Business (TurkStat)

  • Labor efficiency for Turkish Business is increasing (TurkStat)

  • According to the Center-OSYM, 600,000 students graduate from different universities yearly (2012, Student Selection and Placement Center-OSYM)

  • Approximately 700,000 students graduate from high school in Turkey which is more than half of this amount comes from vocational and technical high schools  (2012, Ministry of National Education)

4Turkish Business: Liberal and Reformist Investment Climate
  • Since 1997 Turkey considered as a 2nd largest reformer country amongst OECD members regarding limitation on Foreign Direct Investment  (OECD FDI Regulatory Restrictiveness Index 1997-2012)

  • Considered as a friendly environment for Turkish Business by an average of 5 business days to finish company registration in Turkey, while the timeframe for establishing a company in OECD members takes more than 12 working days

  • Substantial industry and customer-oriented service culture make Turkey one of the most competitive investment environment on the world

  • Same and unbiased approach for both domestic and foreign investors to running their company in Turkey

  • Holding above than 33,000 firms with international origin capital in Turkey

  • Guarantee of transfers

5 Turkish Business: Smooth Infrastructure
  • Turkish transportation, telecommunications are considered as top notch and high level of automation by great infrastructure

  • economic and advance facilities for sea transportation

  • Railway transport advantage to Central and Eastern Europe

  • Well-established transportation routes and direct delivery mechanism to most of the EU countries

6 Turkish Business: Geografically Central Location
  • Turkey is an intersection between East to west and North to south, therefore doing Turkish Business make cost effective result to imperative market

  • Through establishing your Turkish Business, you will have easy access to 1.5 billion potential clients and customers from Europe, The Middle East, and North Africa which is considered huge market

  • Turkish Business brings you the connection to international markets by 25 trillion GDP worth

7 Turkish Business: Corridor of Energy in Middle East
  • Being crucial junction between the Middle East and Europ in terms of energy

  • Geography-wise Turkey is placed on a close neighborhood of world primary energy reserve which is proven more than 70% , on the other hand, Europe is located on the right to west of Turkey which is considered the world biggest energy consumer, thus making the country a linchpin in energy transit and an energy terminal in the region

8 Turkish Business: Low Tax System and Incentives
  • reduction of corporate income tax from 33 percent to 20 percent

  • incentives and tax advantages belonging to Technology Development Zones, Free Zones and Industrial Zones can be applied total and partial exemption from Corporate Income Tax, a grant on employer’s social security share, as well as land allocation

  • Research and Development and Innovation Support Law

  • Incentives for strategic investment to decrease imports, for large-scale investments, as well as for regional investments

9 Turkish Business: Customs Union With The EU Since 1996
  • Customs Union with the EU since 1996, and Free Trade Agreements (FTA) with 22 countries

  • More FTAs underway

  • Accession negotiations with the EU

10 Turkish Business: High Demand Domestic Market
  • 39.9 million broadband internet subscribers in 2014, up from 0.1 million in 2002 (ICTA, TurkStat)
  • 71.9 million mobile phone subscribers in 2014, up from 23 million in 2002 (TurkStat)
  • 57 million credit card users in 2014, up from 16 million in 2002 (The Interbank Card Center of Turkey)
  • 166,5 million airline passengers in 2014, up from 33 million in 2002 (TurkStat)
  • 35.9 million international tourist arrivals in 2014, up from 13 million in 2002 (TurkStat)

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