Working In Turkey, Opportunities And Challenges

Working In Turkey, Opportunities And Challenges

working in Turkey

As one of the large economies of the Middle East and Southeast Europe, Turkey is rapidly developing and growing. Despite the great potential in various economic sectors, Turkey has become one of the popular destinations for work and investment. In this article, we examine the opportunities and challenges related to working in Turkey.

Job opportunities in Turkey

Working in Turkey can be one of your best choices for immigrating to this country. Among other methods, we can mention buy property in Turkey and obtaining Turkish citizenship by investment. In recent years, buy property in Istanbul has grown significantly. In the following, you will get to know some of the opportunities and benefits of working in Turkey.

  • Extensive labor market: With a population of over 80 million people and a young and skilled workforce, Turkey is a very large labor market that offers many opportunities for people with different skills.
  • Growing industrial sectors: Industries such as automotive, electronics, machinery, food and clothing are growing significantly in Turkey. These sectors provide many job opportunities for people with related specializations.
  • Foreign investment: Turkey has been very attractive for foreign investment in recent years. The construction of modern infrastructure, appropriate financial and tax relief schemes, and the prosperity of the domestic market are among the important factors for attracting foreign investment in Turkey.

Challenges of working in Turkey

Working in Turkey, along with many advantages and opportunities, can also bring challenges and disadvantages. To prevent these problems and solve them, it is better to know these challenges well first and solve them before start working in Turkey.

  • Language: Turkish language is one of the main challenges for non-Turkish speakers. Understanding and speaking Turkish can be a problem for people who have recently come to Turkey or who do not know the Turkish language completely. Participating in Turkish language courses can be helpful in this regard.
  • Work permit issue: For non-Turkish people who wish for working in Turkey, obtaining a work permit may be a challenge. The rules and regulations related to the work permit are different for each category of people and the process of obtaining the permit may take time.
  • Labor law in Turkey: The most important challenge of working in Turkey is that according to the laws of the Turkish government, companies and organizations are obliged to first select the human resources they need from among Turkish citizens and then they can go for foreign workers.
  • Organizational culture: The organizational culture of working in Turkey may be problematic for people who do not know enough about the culture and organizational structure of Turkey. It can take time to understand and adapt to the values, methods and behaviors common in the Turkish workplace.
  • Financial and tax problems: The Turkish financial and tax system may be complicated for foreigners. Things like taxes, banks, insurance and accounting may require detailed knowledge of local laws and regulations.


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The minimum salary in Turkey and the factors affecting it

The first question that arises in people's minds about working in Turkey is the minimum salary in this country. In Turkey, workers' salary is regulated under specific laws and regulations. In the following, we will examine the minimum wage in Turkey and the factors affecting it.

Minimum salary in Turkey

In Turkey, the salary of workers and employees is determined annually by the government. Determining the minimum wage in Turkey is based on the Turkish labor law and agreements between industries and labor unions. In 2023, the minimum salary of civil servants increased twice and is currently around 11,000 liras per month. But this amount of salary may change in the following years and be determined depending on the economic conditions and the decisions of the Turkish government.

Factors affecting the minimum salary in Turkey

When you start working in Turkey, your salary may not be so high at first, but as your career progresses and in the following months, your salary will increase. In the following, you will get to know some factors affecting the minimum salary in Turkey.

  • Turkish labor law: Turkish labor law is the main determinant of workers' rights. Changes and updates to the labor law can have a direct impact on the minimum wage.
  • Agreements between industries and labor unions: Agreements between industries and labor unions play an important role in determining minimum wages. The negotiations between the employer and the workers' representatives in these agreements can determine the minimum salary in a certain industry.
  • Economic conditions: The economic conditions of the country also affect the minimum salary in Turkey. In case of economic recession and high dissatisfaction, the government may increase the minimum wage to support workers and reduce poverty.
  • Inflation: Inflation is one of the important factors in determining the amount of minimum salary of working in Turkey. If prices rise and the currency depreciates, the government may update the minimum wage to counter inflation and preserve workers' purchasing power.
  • Labor force and labor market: high demand for labor in a particular industry can affect minimum wages. If the labor force is scarce and the demand for workers increases, employers may raise the minimum wage to attract workers.
  • Income distribution system: the way income is distributed in society can also affect the salary of working in Turkey. If the distribution of income is unequal and the difference between low and high incomes is large, pressure is created to increase the minimum wage and reduce income inequality.
  • Government policies: Government decisions and policies can also affect salary in Turkey. The government can set the minimum wage to maintain political and social balance and reduce poverty.

Obtaining Turkish work residence

If you apply as an immigrant for working in Turkey, you can get a Turkish work permit. Obtaining this type of residence is a bit difficult compared to other methods and you may need to seek help from immigration experts in Turkey. In the following, you will learn about the procedures for obtaining a work residence in Turkey.

1-Finding a job: first you have to find a job or job offer in Turkey from an employer or company. You can look for job opportunities in Turkey by searching job ads, social networks and employment websites. Also, communication with companies and employers in Turkey can help you find a suitable job.

2-Work visa application: After finding a job, the employer must send a work visa application for you to the Turkish Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. The application should include your personal information and details about the job and employment contract.

3-Applying to the Turkish Embassy or Consulate: After submitting the visa application, you must go to the Turkish Embassy or Consulate in your country to take the necessary steps for stay and working in Turkey. You must provide the required information and documents, including your passport, visa application form, color photograph, travel insurance and other documents that will be reviewed by the embassy or consulate.

4-Visa review process: After the documents are delivered, the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Turkish Embassy or Consulate will review your documents. This process is time-consuming and may require an interview or additional documentation.

5-Getting a work visa: If the work visa is approved, you must go to the Turkish embassy or consulate to get the work visa. This visa may be single-entry or multiple-entry, and its validity period is determined depending on the type of visa and working conditions.

6-Entry to Turkey and registration of work residence: after receiving a work visa in Turkey, you can enter the country. After arrival, you must go to the police office of your place of residence and submit a work residence registration application. At this stage, you may need to provide additional documents such as employment contract, health insurance and financial confirmation.

7-Receiving a residence card: After registering for a work residence, you must wait to receive a residence card. This card, which is used as a legal proof of your stay in Turkey, may be issued for different periods of time depending on the conditions and regulations.

Last word

Working in Turkey is associated with great opportunities in various economic sectors. Broad labor market, growing industrial sectors and foreign investment are the main job opportunities in Turkey. Although we face challenges such as language, work permit, organizational culture, and financial and tax problems, but with the use of appropriate resources and training, we can manage these challenges and achieve success in the field of working in Turkey.

Frequently Asked Questions

1-What documents are required for working in Turkey?

For working in Turkey, you may need documents such as passport, visa or work permit, residence card (Kimlik Kartı), work contract with employer, financial payment and health insurance. Also, depending on the specific conditions and type of work, other documents may be required.

2-How long does it take to get a work permit in Turkey?

The time it takes to get a work permit in Turkey depends on many factors, including the type of work, required documents, and your immigration status. The review and licensing process may take several weeks or even months. To reduce the time required, it is important to have complete and correct documents and proceed carefully.

3-Do we need Turkish language training for working in Turkey?

For working in Turkey, there is a need to learn the Turkish language as usual. For some jobs and industries, such as customer service and sales, Turkish language skills are essential. But in other industries such as information technology, English language skills are usually sufficient. Anyway, to increase job opportunities and better communication with the work environment, Turkish language training is very useful.

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