What Is Required Action By Foreigners In Case Of A Change In The Province/address/information Of Residence? | HausBiz

What is required action by foreigners in case of a change in the province/address/information of residence?

The foreigners who change their residence from the province where they received the residence permit to another address in another province are required to file an application for a new residence permit within 20 working days at the latest to reside in the province they have moved to. For this process, if the residence permit type does not change, a new residence permit document is issued but the fee is not paid again for the duration of the relevant fee.


What will be done if the residence permit information is adjusted or if any changes occur about this information?

The foreigners are obliged to make notification within twenty working days if their home addresses, marital status, names or surnames in their passports change. If the residence permit document is lost, stolen or worn; the residence permit document will be issued again. In this case, fee for the residence permit document has to be fully paid and fee for this permit has to be paid in half. Wrong or faulty information in the residence permit document stemming from the administration will be immediately corrected and data entry will be made to issue a new residence permit document

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