Residence Permits In Turkey For The Purpose Of Scientific Research | HausBiz

Residence permits in Turkey for the purpose of scientific research

The implementations for the foreigners who will make archaeological excavation and surface survey and the foreigners who are outside this scope who will make direct research, examination, filming and similar activities will continue the same way as before within the framework of existing legislation. Foreigners involved in archaeological excavation and surface survey are required to obtain a visa from our foreign representative offices in accordance with their purposes. Those arriving with such visas may stay up to ninety days without acquiring a residence permit if their visa durations are sufficient. Residence permits for the foreigners under both archaeological excavation and surface survey and other types of research will be issued as “short-term residence permits.” Therefore, these foreigners are required to meet the conditions for short-term residence permit stated in Article 32 of the Law on Foreigners and International Protection.

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