How To Get Turkish Residency And Citizenship By Buy Property In Turkey?

How To Get Turkish Residency and Citizenship By Buy Property In Turkey?

get Turkish residency and citizenship by buying property

Buy property in Turkey has a special attraction for foreign buyers due to the reasonable price and economic conditions suitable for different classes. On the other hand, the issue of residence and citizenship is also very important for many people who want to live permanently in Turkey. In this article, the ways to obtain residence and citizenship in Turkey by buying property in Turkey have been investigated.

Buy property in Turkey

Buy property in Turkey is particularly attractive for foreign buyers due to the appropriate conditions and economic developments. There are different ways to buy property in Turkey, including traveling to Turkey in person and buying the property. Also, it is possible to purchase property in Turkey through the Internet or through a attorney.

Although buy property in Turkey can help foreign buyers live comfortably in the country. To obtain Turkish citizenship by investment, you must obtain the necessary documents and permits for your investment.

Turkish residency by buying property

One of the ways to get a residence in this country by buy property in Turkey is to apply for a permanent residence. This type of residence is suitable for people who want to live permanently in Turkey. This type of residence is granted to individuals annually and can be extended for subsequent years.

To apply for permanent residence by purchasing a property in Turkey, you must first buy your property. Then you have to go to the Turkish embassy in your country and apply for residence there. For this purpose, you must bring documents such as the original property purchase contract, passport, photos and receipts of necessary expenses.

Be careful that the minimum value of the purchased property to receive a one-year residency in Turkey must be 75 thousand US dollars. Buy property in Istanbul can be one of your options to get this type of residency.

Turkish citizenship by buying property

Buy property in Turkey can also help you get citizenship in this country. To obtain Turkish citizenship, you must first have lived in Turkey for five years as a permanent resident. If you can speak the Turkish language well and your application for Turkish citizenship is approved, you can become a Turkish citizen.

To obtain Turkish citizenship by purchasing a property, you must first buy your property and then apply for citizenship through specialists in this field. The value of the property you buy to obtain Turkish citizenship must be at least 400,000 US dollars.

Tips for buying property in Turkey

Buy property in Turkey for foreign buyers may be associated with challenges. In order to be able to obtain residence and citizenship in this country by buying a property in Turkey, you must pay attention to the following points.

  • Choosing the area: Choosing the right area in Turkey for buying property is very important. For this purpose, you should check the real estate market in different regions of Turkey and familiarize yourself with different prices and conditions.
  • Quality of construction: To buy property in Turkey, you should pay attention to the quality of construction. For this purpose, you need to make sure that the property you want to buy has a good quality of construction.
  • Expert advice: Before buy property in Turkey, it is better to consult with experts in this field so that you can make the best decision in buying a property.

Last word

In this article, we examined the ways to obtain residence and citizenship in this country by buying a property in Turkey. Buy property in Turkey can be considered as a way to obtain Turkish residency or citizenship in this country. But to buy property in Turkey, you should pay attention to points such as choosing the area, quality of construction and consulting with experts. In addition, it is better to use the services of an expert lawyer and consultant to follow the steps of buying a property and applying for residence and citizenship.

In order to comply with Turkish laws and regulations in buying property, you must have enough information about the rules related to buy property in Turkey. In addition, you should be careful about the property specifications and consult with experts so that you can make the best decision in buying the property.

Finally, buy property in Turkey can help you get residency and citizenship in this country. By following the rules and regulations related to buying property and using the services of experts, you can make the best decision and get closer to obtaining residency and citizenship in this country.

Frequently Asked Questions

1-Does buying a property in Turkey have advantages for people who are looking for residence and citizenship in this country?

Yes, buy property in Turkey can help people who are looking for residency and citizenship in this country. By buying a property in Turkey, you can get a permanent residence in this country or get Turkish citizenship.

2-Is buying property in Turkey suitable for people who are looking for investment?

Yes, buying property in Turkey is suitable for people who are looking for investment. Considering the recent growth of the real estate market in Turkey and the high return rate of investment in this sector, buy property in Turkey can be considered as a safe investment opportunity with high returns for people who are looking to invest in the real estate market.

3-Is it suitable for non-Turkish people to buy property in Turkey?

Yes, buy property in Turkey is also suitable for non-Turkish people. According to the laws and regulations related to buying property in Turkey, non-Turkish people can also easily buy property in this country and experience these benefits in Turkey by observing the regulations related to residence and citizenship.

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